Halloween Eve Seance via ZOOM” on Saturday, October 30, 2021 7:30 pm-9:30 pm
October 30, 2021 @ 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm UTC+0
Join Jennifer for an Old Fashioned Seance on the night before Halloween to connect with the Spirit World. All attendees will receive a message from Spirit. Limit to 10 attendees. Cost is $125.00 per person. Preregistration and full payment is required at registration to confirm attendance. Text “Seance” to Jennifer at 702-334-6675 with your full name, email address and dob (must be over 21 to attend) to register and we will send you an invoice to pay within 24 hrs to complete your registration. Please Call for more information or if you have questions.
Please note: This event always sells out quickly. All attendees will receive the link to the private Zoom meeting prior to the event. No recording is allowed. Please be ready to sit in a quiet private room during the event, and be mindful of the seriousness of such an event. Jennifer cannot guarantee who will come in from the spirit world for each of the attendees, it is up to them. Feel free to take notes.
Please no alcohol before or during the event. Save that for afterwards! You may dress in Victorian era costume if you wish, it will be a fun, yet serious event. Jennifer will be dressed for the seance as though it were in Victorian times. All attendees must be properly vetted(identified and referred by Jennifer or client) prior to the event. All attendees will be required to sign a waiver.